Thursday, February 13, 2014

NBC Sochi Olympics: some thoughts

[Good things about NBC coverage:] 

 NBCSN (which I had to order special for the month) has a great format for showing the sports. They showed all 20 of the pairs skating for instance, much of it live. They have few boring spots because they do some editing. They do not confusingly switch around too much between sports to build excitement.... and confusion, as I remember all too well.

[Bad things about NBC coverage:] 

NBC edited out much of the IOC Anti-Discrimination Statement From Opening Ceremony. The... games this time have really been besmirched by Russia's laws that would have gay people arrested, which they backed off of for the Olympics. NBC did leave in part of the statement about tolerance, because that was mentioned more than once in the IOC speech. Some news agencies defended NBC because they did not edit out ALL of the Anti-Discrimination statement. I say if the IOC is making such an important statement about the games, Americans deserve to see the full version that the rest of the world saw. Here is a difference in Russian propaganda and USA propaganda. Russian propaganda is controlled by the government which has a lot of influence from the new aristocracy. In America, the corporations (aristocracy) directly control the networks, and they want to make more money, misrepresentation and distorting is just part and parcel of the ratings game. NBC made statements about the "controversy" but THEY framed the argument. THEY took care of their ratings so we would not have to watch some "boring" IOC statement which was a direct rebuke to Russia. After all, everything must be pretty for NBC. They could lose money if they showed the less scenic parts of the truth.


Coverage of Deadspin:


  1. Oh Michael, that was very well said @ "Here is a difference in Russian propaganda and USA propaganda. Russian propaganda is controlled by the government which has a lot of influence from the new aristocracy. In America, the corporations (aristocracy) directly control the networks, and they want to make more money, misrepresentation and distorting is just part and parcel of the ratings game." I may want to use that sometime, I hope you won't mind if I quote you.

  2. Thank you for thinking I might be quotable!!! And thank you for your complement.
