Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Classic Bad Day

It has been coming on for a month. I was sick with near pneumonia, and old as I am, it takes a while to get over it. So, I had a month of working when I was barely able to get out of bed. Cold air was getting to me so I used a heating pad on my chest at night and at work I wore self heating packs designed for achy muscles, except that I used them on my chest. Going to work was made even more difficult by an increased level of problems there. Unresolved problems, that no matter how many times I reported them, continued. The work load snowballed and things got busier anyway until I would have been exhausted with or without my breathing difficulties.

Today things came to a head, although I am over the worst of my lung problems, but I am still damned tired. 

I have seldom had problems with where I work, but today was just the classic bad day. 

What I learned from my lung problems is that, at my age, things snowball. A month without cardiovascular exercise is like a year would have been earlier in my life. And even then, the full consequences are much larger now with old age still dogging my recovery.

I will get through this. One thing that does come with age is wisdom. I'm not saying that wisdom flows automatically in times of need... nope... that surely does not happen. But wisdom after reflection is better than no wisdom at all. :)

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